Own3d Pro Logo

Developer Updates

Here you can find all the changes we've made in the past weeks!

Login loops have been fixed 🐛

8/10/2022 • This changelog is only available in English • Version f797bb3

Hello Streamers!

We have found some bugs in our system, which led to a login loop for many people in the last few days. Also, for a small amount of users there was a problem saving their Linkspree and other settings.

Due to these errors, we also found out about a bug that caused the Chatbot to not appear in the chat for many users.

We were able to identify all affected users and fix their issues.

Thanks for using OWN3D Pro!

Happy Streaming!

René Preuß
Software Developer @ OWN3D
Hey I am René aka. GhostZero! I am one of the developers behind OWN3D Pro and also write the changelogs here. Enjoy your stay!